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Writer's pictureA Lady in Defiance

Sometimes You Just Want to Womp Them with a Frying Pan

But that's just not the answer, now is it...

There is a person in my life who has caused a lot of drama for our family. As I write this, I'm actually fuming over another one of his melodramas. He's painfully entitled, thinks firmly that the rules don't apply to him--though he expects them to apply to everyone else--and he walks headlong into trouble and then is shocked when it comes back to bite him on the butt. 

It's almost amazing, his spiritual blindness. And it is definitely infuriating. I can't be the only person who knows someone like this. 

And in the moment of getting smacked with one of his dramas, there is a split-second battle between the flesh and the spirit. Most of the time, I respond in the flesh. I won't lie. I mean, I know I'm allowed to have righteous anger. And, most of the time, that is what this fellow causes us. But, sometimes, I just want to hold on to the mad because this person is so dadgum irritating.

While the Bible has a lot to say about the wake of destruction fools leave behind them, what I need to remind myself of is my reaction. Is it right? Is it kind? Does it reflect well on Jesus?

Proverbs 23:9 says do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words. This makes me think of my momma--she always said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."  

So, these observations remind me to take a breath, hold my peace, and try to let my relationship with Christ turn my anger to sympathy and pity. This should, and often does, lead me to pray for this person. He's a mess and doesn't even know it. 

But he is taxing. I guess we've all got someone like this in our lives. Perhaps if we spend a moment picturing these sandpaper people in hell, totally and forever separated from a loving Savior, that's one way to beat down the irritation. Separation from Jesus is not something I would wish on my worst enemy.

It is a lengthy route going from anger to pity, and I wish I would just cut straight to pity, but that's the flesh for you. I am still a work in progress. 

How about you? Have you perfected dealing with the challenging people in your life?

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